If you love Halloween and are looking for a festively fun family event, you're not going to want to miss the Hilltop Pumpkin Party and 71st Annual Rotary Halloween Parade! Join us for this FREE outdoor event and be sure to come early and register for the costume contest starting at 1:30 p.m. The Rotary Clubs of Hudson prizes include cash prizes for the Top 5 "Best Costumes" in four age groups (4 years and younger; 5-7 years; 8-10 years; 11 years and up). Best Group (top 2) receives $45/$25, and Best of Show receives $150!
Families will also enjoy:
- Horse Drawn Wagon Rides
- Pumpkin Decorating
- Petting Zoo
- Games and Activities
- Food & Treats
All activities 11:00am-2:00pm
(*some activity times may be noted)
Co-sponsor: Hudson Daybreak Rotary and Rotary Club of Hudson WI